Please contact COVA’s Human Trafficking Program to ask about referrals and available services.
If this is an emergency call 911
If you are looking for emergency shelter call Colorado’s Human Trafficking Hotline at 866-455-5057
If you are experiencing a mental health emergency call Colorado Crisis Services at 1-844-493-8255
Program Overview
COVA’s Human Trafficking Program (HTP) provides comprehensive, individualized case management services to victims and survivors of both labor and sex trafficking throughout Colorado. Case managers work alongside clients to identify goals and connect individuals to a diverse network of resources. COVA’s HTP prioritizes care for systematically oppressed populations and emphasizes the importance of inclusive services. Case management services are client-led, keeping the survivors needs and goals at the forefront of our program delivery.
Through our network of partners we can support survivors in finding:
- Housing & Shelter (COVA does not own direct housing resources or is a provider of shelter services)
- Accessible Food Options
- Clothing & Personal Care Items
- Transportation
- Referrals & Support for Medical and Mental Health Services
- Legal Assistance
- Educational Opportunities
- Referrals and Support for Employment Services
If you are a service provider interested in making a referral to COVA’s Human Trafficking Program please email or call the HTPs main line at 303-861-1160, ex 3.
If you are an individual or family member of someone who has experienced trafficking and would like more information about services available to you, please email or call the HTPs main line at 303-861-1160, ex 3.
Upon receiving any referral, a COVA HTP staff will reach out to connect with the victim or survivor to gather basic information and conduct an eligibility screening. At this point, if an eligible individual is interested in receiving case management services from our HTP, a more comprehensive intake appointment will be scheduled.
COVA’s HTP supports individuals that meet the federal definition of human trafficking, as outlined in the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA). The TVPA defines human trafficking as a person induced to perform labor or a commercial sex act through force, fraud, or coercion. While COVA’s HTP does not currently provide services to minors, under TVPA any person under the age of 18 who performs a commercial sex act is considered a victim of human trafficking, regardless of whether force, fraud, or coercion are present. In Colorado, forced labor and commercials sex acts involving a minor is a form of child abuse.
All members of COVA’s Human Trafficking Program staff are required by law (C.R.S. 19-3-304) to report (1) child abuse/neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, (2) caretaker neglect and exploitation of at-risk elders and at-risk adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and (3) anyone who is an imminent threat to self or others.
What is Trafficking?
Human Trafficking Resource Directory
Cultural Development and Wellness Center (Denver Metro)
Laboratory to Combat Human Trafficking (Statewide)
Voluntad -Formerly Street’s Hope (Denver Metro)
Colorado Legal Services (Statewide)
Rocky Mountain Immigrant Advocacy Network (Statewide)
Colorado Human Trafficking Council (Statewide)
Colorado Crisis Services (Statewide)
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“all I can really recommend to volunteer here, I had a wonderful time!”

“I realize that school can help me achieve my goals and improve my life.”